Walk Report
September 2021
September 2021
Upperward Mountaineering Club – September 2021
The September meet of the club saw five members travel up to Torridon and stay at the Torridon hostel for the weekend. The main aim of the weekend was to accompany one of the members (Jenny Stewart) as she completed her first round of the Munros on Lurg Mhor and Bidean a’Choire Sheasgaich, a very remote group of hills situated to the east of Lochcarron.
With the cloud well down on the hills and the wind forecast up to 60kmph from the west the group left Attadale at 7.20am to cycle in to Bendronaig bothy, arriving there two hours later. The top of Lurg Mhor was reached in very poor visibility and required extensive use of compass and GPS to locate the summit. The group then turned into the wind heading for Bidean a’Choire Sheasgaich, the second and final Munro of the day, which was reached at 2pm.
Jenny was naturally delighted to complete her Munros, however, it was no day to sip champagne at the summit despite her better half, Robert, carrying a bottle all the way, so a swift retreat to the bikes was agreed. The ride back to the cars was like being in a washing machine as the rain had started in earnest and it was 6.40pm before the day was finished.
Anne MacIntyre had joined the group for the evening to congratulate Jenny having herself completed her own Munros round just a few weeks previously on Ladhar Bheinn. Both were toasted with the well-travelled champagne.
With no improvement in the weather, Sunday saw us go round the coast from Alligan Shuas to Diabaig. This proved to be a beautiful walk with a twist in the tail as we descended to Diabaig down a gully. There were some more quiet celebrations on the Saturday night before the Sunday return.