Walk Report
June 2019
June 2019
Perhaps it was the weather forecast (which was definitely not good) or maybe it was the fact that it was Father’s Day, but whatever the reason, the turn out for the June meet to climb Ben Lawers was the poorest for quite some time with only 5 members (augmented by two potential new members) attending.
Although the forecast was poor the conditions for the drive up to the old visitor centre car park above Loch Tay were actually quite good. However, 30 minutes or so into the climb a large bank of rain was spotted heading along the loch towards the group, enveloping the whole ridge and wiping out any potential views. As the group approached the summit of Beinn Ghlas the rain passed over leaving plenty of breaks in the cloud which afforded clear views along the loch.
On the route up the group were accompanied by a large Scout troop (56 male and female scouts) who were involved in an Everest Challenge which required them to ascend the equivalent height of Everest (8848m) within a year. Great to see so many young folk on the hills enjoying themselves.
On the descent, an excellent new path has been created which takes walkers west, off the normal ascent route, at the col between Beinn Ghlas and Ben Lawers, removing the need to climb back over Beinn Ghlas on the return journey.
The next club walk will be the Anniversary walk from the Grey Mare’s Tail to Crook Inn on Sunday 30th May with the usual premeet on the preceding Wednesday in the Clydesdale Inn, Lanark at 7,30pm.